Fall Decorating

November 6, 2016

This post is a little late, but better late than never.

Since we decided to stay in our house, I knew it was time to start decorating.  Granted when I started it was one week before Halloween, so I didn’t want to go completely crazy with Halloween decorations.

This summer I was obsessed with garage sales.  I am under this impression now where “why would I go pay full price for this when I can get it at a garage sale or at the dollar store?!”  Anyways, I attended a garage sale that had a ton of Halloween decorations.  We bought a witch that ties on a tree and a blow up ghost for $5!!  Such a great deal!


We bought this witch for a $1 at a garage sale!

My next stop was Ruhlig’s Farm and Gardens, which is a market with merchandise and produce from a local farm.  And let me tell you, shopping small business is WORTH IT!!  We bought 3 bunches of corn stalks, 2 bales of hay, 2 huge pumpkins, and 2 mums for $37.00!!  Talk about a great deal!!!




The Whole Picture!

One thing I have always struggled with is wanting fake flowers in the house, but they are so expensive!  Plus, I felt like I could never get it right.  Like the flowers would look bad together or I thought they would look ugly.  Well boy was I wrong.  First, did you know that the dollar store has like EVERYTHING?!  Seriously, I was able to get 2 bunches of flowers for $2.  Luckily, I already had the vases, but they totally have nice vases too!!  I know where I am going each season from now on!



Of course my Halloween Scentsy and my light-up Pumpkin!

My final goal was for the stove.  I had these OLD, RATTY towels hanging out on the stove.  I always remembered that my mom had new towels each season, but I never actually did it.  Pure laziness.  I went to Kohl’s and was able to find this super cute 2-pack of towels that cost $3!!


$3 towels

Overall, I would say my Fall decorations worked out for the best!! =)

Note:  The Friday before Halloween, I was able to buy an “EEK” sign and a Halloween towel from Joann Fabrics for $13.  I forgot to take pictures of these decorations! =(

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