Bailee’s First Halloween

May 16, 2018

Oh my goodness does time fly.  I feel like I’m going to have to do weekly blog posts just to catch up with all the amazingness that has happened in the past 8 months.  Yes, that is right.  Bailee is 8 months old.  Um, what?!

Since, I am so behind in posting anything about Bailee and our life as parents (mom life, right?) I’m going to go back to Halloween 2017.

Halloween is absolutely one of my favorite holidays.  You get to dress up, you get candy, you get to give away candy, and kids just get to be kids.  It is one of my favorite times of year as well.  The pumpkins are out, pumpkin spice is life, and the trees are so pretty with their different colored leaves.

Our Halloween starts with the cutest freaking outfit that we bought from 9 Month Bump and Little Lu Bowtique.  The onesie says “shake your booty” and had a matching tutu!  These cute outfits are seriously the hardest thing in the world not to keep EVERYTHING (and also not to BUY everything, more blog posts later about my love for small shops).  When I look back at these, I’m like, how the heck did she ever fit in these?!22366666_10159519812305338_3610217913008530762_n

We also attended the Zoo Boo at the Detroit Zoo.  Yes, she slept throughout the whole thing, and it was all for me, but these pictures and the experience was totally worth it!   Plus, we can do this next year and for all the years to come! Traditions are so important in a family.  We went as Mickey, Minnie, and Pluto.

Pretty much the whole weekend before Halloween, we basically showcased all of Bailee’s first Halloween outfits.

Finally, it was time for Halloween.  Of course it was one of the coldest nights of the week (isn’t that how it always works out?).  Bailee was able to go trick or treating at two houses with her best friend!  Trying to get pictures of one and two month olds together is EXTREMELY hard.  I have a new found respect for photographers!

Bailee’s first Halloween was amazing.  She may not remember it, but it was the perfect way to introduce Bales into my love for Halloween!

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