New Years 2019

December 31, 2018

It is time for that “new year, new me” movement.  My husband always makes fun of this time of year, because it is a bunch of people making goals that by February, they’ve probably abandoned.  I’ve found making goals throughout the year and making small attainable steps to reach those goals are much better comprehended by me.  However, I still jump on that “new year, new me” bandwagon and create some resolutions for myself.

Prepare and Apply for my Doctorate Program.  This is my hugest goal of 2019.  It includes so many steps and processes to prepare for it including:

  • Prepare and Pass the GRE by July 2019.
  • Write required essays and submit to mentors to review.
  • Apply.

Reduce my time on phone per day to 2 hours and 30 minutes.  I’m so guilty of being on my phone too much.  As a working mom, I already have limited time with my daughter, so why am I so inclined to be checking my phone constantly?!  That FOMO (fear of missing out) is real.  If I saw a notification, I HAD to check my phone.  I took the first step recently and deleted the Facebook app from my phone and only check social media during certain times of the day.

Continue my mindfulness.  This goal is more to remind myself of the importance of being mindful even when things get tough and stress gets the better of me.  I’m going to continue doing:

  • Work out 4:30 am each weekday.
  • Practice gratitude by writing down things I’m grateful for.
  • Start each day with a positive quote.
  • Listen to inspirational Podcasts to and from work.

Do not use my credit card.  2018 was all about paying off our credit card debt, and we took some drastic budgeting and steps to do it.  It is so liberating to see all of our credit card statements say $0.  The hard and stressful part is really thinking about if I truly need to purchase something and actually saving for it instead of just buying it.

Take time for creativity.  This means doing weekly or every other week photoshoots with my daughter.  She is so photogenic and as a brand rep (seriously, don’t ask) we take pictures for small businesses.  It so much fun to plan out the outfits and edit the pictures.  I need to take more time for it as it also lets my creative side out!

I’m ready for you 2019!

You may encounter many defeats. But, you must not be defested.

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