Teacher at Heart

April 17, 2024

If you are a parent of a young child right now, then you probably know all about Bluey. There was a recent episode of Bluey called “The Sign” (be prepared to cry if you haven’t watched it, yet). I won’t give away all of the amazing pieces of the episode, but the main premise of the episode is everything happens for a reason and it will all always work out (pretty great message for kids, if you ask me. But I digress).

My official career started in 2012 when I graduated from the University of Michigan-Dearborn with a degree in elementary education. Before landing on “teacher,” I wanted to be a lawyer or an engineer. I had been taking CAD classes that my high school offered and had every intention of going into mechanical engineering. Interestingly enough, this was the time when bailouts and layoffs were happening at the Big 3. One single decision in my senior year of high school altered my entire future.

My friend had been put into the child development class that I was DYING to be a part of, but it was full. She had no interest in the class and so we walked to the counseling office together where she transferred out of the class and I was able to transfer in. Guess which class I transferred out of? You guessed it. My engineering class.

A huge part of the child development class was an internship at a local elementary school. I fell in love. I was able to work with students, teach some easy lessons (with the guidance of the teacher, of course), and really get to know my students. My mom will say she knew I was going to be a teacher my whole life, but it wasn’t until that moment that I knew she was right.

2012 Blair starting her career as a middle school teacher.

Fast forward to 2015 and I was already burnt out as a teacher. As my soon to be husband (current husband of almost 9 years) and I started talking about our future and kids, I knew I could never be a phenomenal teacher AND a great mom. I knew a change had to happen. I was working towards my educational technology master’s degree from Michigan State University and applying to anything and everything with the word “technology” and “curriculum” in it. This is how I found instructional design.

For the past 9 years, I’ve been an instructional designer and I absolutely love it. The field is the perfect blend of my love for technology and curriculum development. But, I have always felt like something was missing. I was always trying to fill that gap, whether it be with trying to start a crafting business (I am NOT hands-on crafty) and working towards my doctorate. It wasn’t until this last year that I realized how much I loved and missed teaching. My love for seeing the lightbulb go off for students or seeing the growth of a student from the beginning of the year to the end hasn’t gone away. It has just evolved. That evolution has led me to being an online adjunct professor in higher education and exploring the world of coaching.

Will I ever leave instructional design? No. But, that doesn’t mean I can’t stop learning and growing with my two life mottos.

I will (and am) making a difference in the world.

I am a teacher at heart.

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