As an instructional designer and adjunct faculty, I draw upon many of my experiences as an online student and former K-12 teacher in my teaching. My goal as a professor is to empower my students to truly believe they can do anything they set their minds to. My classroom is a safe environment where we can practice, play, fail, and learn. 



Aside from meeting objectives, my main goal is for my students to feel empowered to succeed and confident to follow their dreams. In addition to teaching, I am always willing to mentor my students through tough situations. My classroom is an environment where students feel comfortable coming to me for help.

When creating my lesson plans and courses, I utilize backward design strategies. I begin with the main goals of the course (objectives) and create assessments that test whether they have learned that material. Additionally, I have adopted alternative assessments through (un)grading practices, student choice, and feedback loops. My philosophy for teaching emphasizes the importance of learning and growth over earning a grade. Students in my courses are welcome to resubmit after receiving feedback and schedule meetings to review feedback.

My teaching and learning strategies incorporate tenets from active learning, the Interactive-Constructive-Active-Passive (ICAP) framework, and universal design for learning. In my classroom, students learn from one another as much as myself. Each of us brings unique perspectives and experiences to the classroom. Through discussion, group projects, and reflection we can construct new knowledge that can be directly applied to their own roles and professions. Due to our vast backgrounds, we also learn in different ways in what I call learning preferences. To help meet students where they are, I incorporate a variety of different instructional materials including readings, videos, podcasts, etc. Additionally, I have a passion for creating inclusive classrooms where all students feel welcome. All the images I use are diverse and incorporate alt-text when placed online. My case studies and scenarios use names and examples that will relate to as many students as possible, allowing them to make connections between what is being taught and their own experiences and perspectives. Finally, my courses are accessible to my best effort and include closed captioning, proper color contrasts, font and font size, headings, etc.

As an instructional designer, I recognize the importance of incorporating technology into my lessons. Our generations continue to advance in technology, which is why educators need to learn about the latest advancements. However, it is essential to do this mindfully. Using the TPACK framework, I incorporate technology in a way that enhances learning and allows my students to see technology as a tool rather than a game. By incorporating technology, students learn new technologies that may help them apply them in new ways and see new successes.
 Finally, my classroom is a safe and welcoming environment. My door is always open, and I encourage regular student feedback to improve my courses and myself as a professor.