The Launch of #ID2IDchat

June 15, 2022

If you haven’t heard, a new instructional designer opportunity for conversation is launching on June 17, 2022 at 12 PM ET! The purpose of the #ID2IDchat Twitter chat is to create a community and safe space for instructional designers on social media. Using Twitter, allows for outside connections and contributions to the instructional design and online learning fields through virtual means. My goal with this Twitter chat is to encourage more interaction amongst instructional designers allowing for greater collaboration. These conversations may then help contribute new ideas to the field and grow connections.

Hosted by Blair Stamper (instructional designer, mentor, and host of Be an Instructional Designer Podcast), #ID2IDchat will take place every third Friday of the month on Twitter at 12 pm ET. For one hour, the host of the chat will post questions with the hashtag #ID2IDchat. You will then respond to these questions, follow one another, and increase the collaboration opportunities for IDs all around the world.

I can’t wait to see you there!

Listen Today


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Instructional design, best practices, cool tech tools, and interviews with experts in the field.