What’s Meant to Be, Will Be

October 23, 2016

Let me tell you.  This has been the MOST STRESSFUL 3 months of our lives.

Most of you may know (or all of you) that my husband and I decided to sell our house.  We put our house on the market at the end of July.  In the short amount of time that we were in the home, we had remodeled our kitchen, bathroom, and had painted the majority of the house. Our realtor was confident in the price we listed it at so we thought it would sell fast and easy.

However, two weeks went by and we barely had any showings.  There were some but their feedback was that the price was too high or that the area wasn’t right for them or the house wasn’t what they were looking for to buy.  We decided to lower the price which then caused an abundance of showings.  We would have 2-3 per week.  We were so excited but it started to wear on us.  Imagine having 3 dogs and having to drive around for an hour because the dogs couldn’t be in the house during the showing.  Then getting home and realizing that NO ONE EVEN SHOWED UP.  Rude right?

Finally in September, we had an offer on our house.  But of course, it was super low.  We had to counter and wait a week before they even accepted our offer.  The inspection went smoothly and we thought all of the paperwork had been signed.   We thought wrong.  The buyers had stopped contacting their realtor and started ignoring her calls.  They wanted to pull out of the transaction and because our realtor never received their deposit, we weren’t getting anything out of the deal.  Fortunately, the buyer came back a couple of days later and decided to go through with the transaction.  We were rolling.

Then came trying to find our own house.  I swear we looked at probably 20 houses.  The first house we put an offer in didn’t have any offers on it!  We thought for sure we were locked in.  Then one day went by, then two, then three and our realtor informed us that they were doing highest and best offer by Wednesday.  We moved on.

The second house we found was absolutely gorgeous!  Like it was A DREAM.  It had everything on our list and more.  We went and saw it 3 days after it went on the market.  I kid you not.  This house already had 10 offers on it.  Talk about no luck whatsoever.

Finally, the third house we found was a quad level.  It was different but felt so homey when we walked in.  We decided to put in an offer and GOT IT!  We were so excited.  We paid for the inspection which came back positive and we were moving forward.

After all of the stress and worry over the past few months, it finally felt like everything was falling into place.  But then I started to feel sad.  I didn’t want to leave our house.  I avoided packing.  I was living in denial that we would have to move in with the in-laws for a few weeks.  I was avoiding anything that had to do with the move.

Over the course of attempting to find a house, the appraisal on our house happened.  It literally took over a month for it to be ordered and be returned.  Unbelievable right?  And even though our realtor assured us that we were going to be just fine, we weren’t.  Our house appraised for way lower than where we needed to be (luckily, it was way more than when we bought it).  Yea.  If only we had an appraisal at the beginning of this ordeal.

Yes, we could have negotiated.  Yes, we could have tried to get the buyers to just pay it anyways.  But I took it as a sign.  We weren’t supposed to move.  We were meant to start our family and raise our animals in our first house.

And now the interior decorating and nesting has begun =)….More on that later!


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