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COVID-19 and Online LearningPart 1 The implications of COVID-19 in higher education has the potential for creating many disruptive innovations, especially in online learning. Online learning is not a new concept. However, COVID-19 effected over 1.38 billion students when K-12 schools, universities, and colleges were forced to close their doors and move to remote learning […]

Where do we go from here?

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Problem of Practice How does incorporating discussion boards in a graduate level online course affect students’ career readiness in the form of written communication, interpersonal skills, and collaboration in Engineering? To what extent does the level of engagement with discussion boards in a graduate level online course affect students’ career readiness in the form of […]

MOOCs and Educational Systems

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Problem of Practice How does incorporating discussion boards and group work in a graduate level online course affect students’ career readiness in the form of written communication, collaboration, and adaptability in Engineering? How does the level of engagement with discussion boards in a graduate level online course affect students’ career readiness in the form of written […]

Classroom Observations

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Problem of Practice How does incorporating discussion boards and group work in a graduate level online course affect students’ career readiness in the form of written communication, collaboration, and adaptability in Engineering? Part 1 Since my Problem of Practice is focused on online learning, I spent some time this week immersed in different University online […]

The Online Landscape

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Problem of Practice How does incorporating student-to-student interaction in a graduate level online course affect students’ career readiness in Engineering? Part 1 This week, I spent just over an hour observing a gymnastics gym on a Monday night.  Once again, I am normally here with my daughter, but participating in the classes.  It was nice […]

Coaches are Educators

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Problem of Practice How does incorporating student-to-student interaction in a graduate level online course affect students’ career readiness in Engineering? Part 1 This week, I spent some time at a dance studio in my small town.  During my time spent here, I observed two dance classes taking place.  I am normally at this dance studio […]

A Dancing Education

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Wow, it has been awhile.  It’s funny – whenever I’m on vacation, I think, “I should really start my blog up again.”  Then I write 1 or 2 entries, life takes over and the blog gets put on the back-burner.  Well here I am and you guessed it, I’m finishing up my vacation. It is […]

A Week of Gratitude

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We’ve all been guilty of giving the worst advice ever.  And we’ve all been on the receiving end of this aforementioned advice.  In your darkest moments, “everything happens for a reason” is the last thing you want to hear. While the giver of this advice more than likely has the best intentions in place, it […]

The Worst Advice Ever

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I’m sure you’ve heard the huge hype of the Netflix Original Movie, Bird Box.  I’m not normally one of the ones to jump on the bandwagon of watching shows just because everyone else has seen it.  But, of course, I got sucked into it when my husband started watching it one Friday night.  You may […]

Vulnerability in a Bird Box

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It is time for that “new year, new me” movement.  My husband always makes fun of this time of year, because it is a bunch of people making goals that by February, they’ve probably abandoned.  I’ve found making goals throughout the year and making small attainable steps to reach those goals are much better comprehended […]

New Years 2019

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