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I pride myself on my growth mindset and identity as a lifelong learner. So, imagine my surprise when after nine years as an instructional designer, I realized I had become lackadaisical with my strategies and techniques. I am part of an Award-Winning instructional design team and have nine years of experience. Somewhere in those nine […]

We Never Stop Learning and Growing

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It is always interesting bringing the perspective as an instructional designer, a professor, and a student to online learning. It has led me to a love/hate relationship with discussion boards. As an instructional designer, I recognize the need to incorporate student-to-student interactions to help build an online community of learners. As a professor, I witness […]

Not Another Discussion Board

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As professors, teachers, instructors, facilitators, etc. we often get caught up in this idea that we know what is best for our students. We draw upon our own experiences and perspectives to make curriculum decisions. We choose skills to focus on, content delivery methods, and assessments that align with how we were taught or how […]

The Power of Student Choice

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In Season 3 of “Be an Instructional Design Rockstar,” I have the unique opportunity to chat with other online learning professionals. This season is all about learning from each other. The goal for this season is to inspire, empower, and connect within the online learning field. Episode 3.2 of “Be an Instructional Design Rockstar” Interview […]

Interview with Christy J. Woods

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After the summer semester, are you noticing that there are areas in your online course where students are struggling? Are students not doing well in your online course and you’re not really even sure where in the course that they’re struggling because they’re not coming to you for help? For many of us, the fast […]

Three Tips for Supporting Students Through Reflection in Online Courses

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This month’s #LDxIDchat was all about access. We had great conversations discussing what access looks like for us at each of our different institutions. Check out the recap below! Q1: How do you define access at your institution and in your work? Q3: What is a challenge you face while attempting to teach others about […]

#LDxIDchat August 2022 Recap

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Society has built this idea of a corporate ladder. The theory is that you start at the bottom of a company and keep moving up until you reach lower management, middle-management, executive management, and then the CEO level. But, what if managing people isn’t for you? In online learning, the idea is similar. Members of […]

Redefining Success

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In Season 3 of “Be an Instructional Design Rockstar,” I have the unique opportunity to chat with other online learning professionals. This season is all about learning from each other. The goal for this season is to inspire, empower, and connect within the online learning field. Episode 3.1 of “Be an Instructional Design Rockstar”  This […]

Interview with Tyler Watts

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This past summer I became a mentor to other instructional designers in Educause’s ID2ID Mentoring program. This experience has shown me amazing ways to connect with others in the teaching and learning community. Even as a remote employee, I have found myself connecting with others even more so than when I was in the office. […]

My Experience with Educause’s Mentoring Program

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Ok, honestly I haven’t really changed, just became a better version of my “old” self. Over the past year I have been really focusing on my own mental health, personal growth, and figuring out what is next. After 3.5 years, this Fall semester I will be defending my dissertation and becoming Dr. Blair Stamper. In […]

The New and Improved Blair Stamper

I consistently share my thoughts, knowledge and updates on all things career growth, industry changes, tips and tricks, etc. It's content you don't want to miss!

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Be An Instructional Design Rockstar!

Instructional design, best practices, cool tech tools, and interviews with experts in the field.