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Isn’t it amazing how women can sit in front of their closets and stare for hours and have nothing to wear?!  Seriously, I have an entire closet full of nice clothes and there are days that I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO WEAR!  I will try on five different outfits and find things wrong with […]

Unexpected Outfits

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I’m addicted.  It is a healthy addiction, but an addiction all the same. First it was Scentsy.  I had to have a party (especially because many of my friends were consultants) every season.  Seriously, I needed to have the summer scents, then the fall scents, then the summer scents, etc.  It was a vicious circle […]

A Healthy Addiction

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Let’s take a moment to talk about Snapchat. It took me awhile to get into the whole Snapchat thing.  As a teacher I saw the technology being abused and being used for innapropriate reasons.  So, it was hard for me to get on the bandwagon.  But once I did….. THESE FILTERS ARE AMAZING. I’m not talking […]


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My family. We may be overrun by animals, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Coming home to shaking butts (husband included) and face licks makes my day each and every day!  #day2#100happydays#blessed#family Came home to this on the kitchen table! My husband knows me so well! I’m so excited to read it #day3 #100happydays #harrypotterforever Not exactly […]

Days 2-6 #100 happy days

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