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I’m sure you’ve heard the huge hype of the Netflix Original Movie, Bird Box.  I’m not normally one of the ones to jump on the bandwagon of watching shows just because everyone else has seen it.  But, of course, I got sucked into it when my husband started watching it one Friday night.  You may […]

Vulnerability in a Bird Box

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Socks. They are seriously the death of me.  I ALWAYS forget to grab socks when I am picking out Bailee’s outfit for the day. Originally, all I had bought were white socks, because that is all I wore as a kid.  Then, when we went out with our best friends, I realized I should have […]

The Evil Sock Monster

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Before I was pregnant, I told myself “we don’t need the most expensive things for our baby.”  HA, well that went out the window when I became pregnant.  To help other moms, I decided to start a review of the baby items that we have bought and used with Bailee. The first review is on […]

Review – Mamaroo

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