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Society has built this idea of a corporate ladder. The theory is that you start at the bottom of a company and keep moving up until you reach lower management, middle-management, executive management, and then the CEO level. But, what if managing people isn’t for you? In online learning, the idea is similar. Members of […]

Redefining Success

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In Season 3 of “Be an Instructional Design Rockstar,” I have the unique opportunity to chat with other online learning professionals. This season is all about learning from each other. The goal for this season is to inspire, empower, and connect within the online learning field. Episode 3.1 of “Be an Instructional Design Rockstar”  This […]

Interview with Tyler Watts

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This past summer I became a mentor to other instructional designers in Educause’s ID2ID Mentoring program. This experience has shown me amazing ways to connect with others in the teaching and learning community. Even as a remote employee, I have found myself connecting with others even more so than when I was in the office. […]

My Experience with Educause’s Mentoring Program

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Ok, honestly I haven’t really changed, just became a better version of my “old” self. Over the past year I have been really focusing on my own mental health, personal growth, and figuring out what is next. After 3.5 years, this Fall semester I will be defending my dissertation and becoming Dr. Blair Stamper. In […]

The New and Improved Blair Stamper

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If you haven’t heard, a new instructional designer opportunity for conversation is launching on June 17, 2022 at 12 PM ET! The purpose of the #ID2IDchat Twitter chat is to create a community and safe space for instructional designers on social media. Using Twitter, allows for outside connections and contributions to the instructional design and […]

The Launch of #ID2IDchat

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Today marked a major milestone in my doctoral journey. As an Arizona State University EdD student, we are privileged to participate in the yearly Doctoral Research Conference (DRC). It is a virtual event where all of the students, regardless of their cohort year, share their research journeys. Colleagues connect over similar active research studies and […]

Doctoral Research Conference ’22

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Last night I was listening to a great Podcast (ok, honestly it was called Drama Queens and centered around former characters of One Tree Hill watching the episodes again). As I was listening, I took a look at my office with the microphone I had bought on Amazon’s Prime Day and thought, “I could do […]

The Birth of a Podcast

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Earlier this month I had the opportunity to present at the 7th Annual International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) 2021 on my dissertation research. The entire conference took place in a virtual world hosted by Virbela. Participants were able to create an avatar, walk around the virtual conference world, attend sessions, talk […]

Reflecting on the iLRN 2021 Virtual Conference

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I am extremely appreciative of my growth this summer in regards to finding myself as a leader. After researching and learning the multitude of leadership styles, I feel confident in the theories, styles, and mindset I must follow in order to be successful as a leader and align with my own morals. These leadership theories […]

Finding My Leadership Style

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Recently, I’ve been reading Maxwell’s (2019) Leadershift: The 11 essential changes every leader mustĀ embrace. While many of the shifts discussed aligned with my previous experiences, there were many Aha! moments as well. In this post, I discuss my three greatest takeaways from the reading. Focusing on Your Team Summary As a leader, your goal is […]

Shifting Yourself into a Leader

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Be An Instructional Design Rockstar!

Instructional design, best practices, cool tech tools, and interviews with experts in the field.