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If you didn’t know already, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. As someone who has battled depression and anxiety their whole life, I’m appreciative that discussions surrounding mental health have become more prevalent. However, I still think the topic is a bit taboo (and systemically doesn’t have enough support in place). Because of this, I […]

My Story of Mental Health

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The next few of my posts might be a little more personal.  We are going to dive deep into the innerworkings of my brain (oh man, be prepared!) I read memes on Facebook all the time about anxiety, stress, worrying, etc.  I see pictures that resonate with me, which means I’m not the only one […]

When our momma sang us to sleep but now we’re stressed out.

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On Saturday, I was proud to be an American.  I was beyond excited to see people come together from different backgrounds to fight for a cause.  I was shocked by the amount of cities and countries that participated in a peaceful protest with no arrests.  A protest that showed that the American people are not divided, […]

I will fight…

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I am my own worst enemy. I beat myself up for the smallest things all the time.  My husband knows that he doesn’t have to say a word when I screw up because I am already beating myself up and have a guilty conscience.  Crazy right? This is not an understatement.  For example, I lost […]

My Own Worst Enemy

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