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I’m sure you’ve heard the huge hype of the Netflix Original Movie, Bird Box.  I’m not normally one of the ones to jump on the bandwagon of watching shows just because everyone else has seen it.  But, of course, I got sucked into it when my husband started watching it one Friday night.  You may […]

Vulnerability in a Bird Box

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It is time for that “new year, new me” movement.  My husband always makes fun of this time of year, because it is a bunch of people making goals that by February, they’ve probably abandoned.  I’ve found making goals throughout the year and making small attainable steps to reach those goals are much better comprehended […]

New Years 2019

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My last college course was the Summer of 2015.  Since then, I feel like I have lost my grip on education.  It is crazy how differently you use your brain when you are in school.  You can think more critically, you approach problems in different ways, and you are used to questions that are meant […]

It’s All About the Climb

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Recently, I’ve been wondering how in the world my husband can go to the store for t-shirts and spend $40 and get 5-6 shirts.  Whereas I go to the store and get 4 shirts and have to pay $65.  Am I just shopping wrong?  Do I get different brands?  Or, is there truly a difference […]

A Woman’s Shopping Injustice

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Socks. They are seriously the death of me.  I ALWAYS forget to grab socks when I am picking out Bailee’s outfit for the day. Originally, all I had bought were white socks, because that is all I wore as a kid.  Then, when we went out with our best friends, I realized I should have […]

The Evil Sock Monster

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We have had Miss Bailee for almost 6 weeks now.  As I sit down to write about our first week with her, it feels like ages ago.  She has already grown, developed, and changed so much since that first week.  We, as parents, have also changed and I would like to say we have gotten […]

Our First Week as Parents

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It was Wednesday, September 13th.  I was 39 weeks and 4 days.  My last day of work was going to be that Friday.  My boss had bought me a Spa Package and I thought it was the perfect time to use it since my due date was fast approaching.  I took the day off and […]

Bailee’s Birth Story <3

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Domino (our dog) makes me laugh.  When she is frustrated and bored, she often sits on top of you or barks and whines until she gets attention.  She basically takes my feelings and vocalizes them (they do say your dogs take on your personalities). I have been beyond bored lately.  Like, I come home, sit […]

Bored Out of My Mind!

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When I first became pregnant, I associated mom2mom with a fun sale.  Moms working together to lift one another up, haggle with prices, and support one another.  Moms asking for advice and helping one another get through the toughest job of motherhood. Instead, mom2mom now has a negative connotation in my world. Don’t get me […]


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I suppose I spoke too soon!  Last week, I wrote about how Hershey was a star at our weekly trainings.  That SAME day, Domino became a star as well! Let me back up a bit.  That Wednesday, I was having an off day.  I already didn’t feel like going out in public, but pushed myself […]

Domino: Another Star?

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