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Well, winter has officially hit.  Over the course of what felt like 24 hours, we received 10.5 inches of snow! Most of the day yesterday was spent watching the news for the list of school closings.  Back when I was a teacher, I always felt like this watching the news: Now that I work at […]

Snowmageddon 2016

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Back in October, my mom and I went on the Southern Michigan’s Railroad Society‘s Fall Color Tour.  It was a great experience and lots of great memories! It was the first time either of us had ever been to Tecumseh.  From my house, the drive was about 60 minutes or so.  We were both shocked […]

A Day in Tecumseh

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This post is a little late, but better late than never. Since we decided to stay in our house, I knew it was time to start decorating.  Granted when I started it was one week before Halloween, so I didn’t want to go completely crazy with Halloween decorations. This summer I was obsessed with garage […]

Fall Decorating

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Yes, that seriously just happened.  My husband actually texted me saying that he LIKES our house clean.  I never saw this day coming!  How was I going to get both of our lazy butts up to make sure our house was clean and up to date on any improvements that needed to be done? Last […]

Adulting Isn’t ALWAYS Bad

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I am my own worst enemy. I beat myself up for the smallest things all the time.  My husband knows that he doesn’t have to say a word when I screw up because I am already beating myself up and have a guilty conscience.  Crazy right? This is not an understatement.  For example, I lost […]

My Own Worst Enemy

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Let me tell you.  This has been the MOST STRESSFUL 3 months of our lives. Most of you may know (or all of you) that my husband and I decided to sell our house.  We put our house on the market at the end of July.  In the short amount of time that we were […]

What’s Meant to Be, Will Be

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One year ago, I was blessed to become the wife of an amazing man.  We celebrated with friends and family in Frankenmuth and had a beautiful, lovely wedding. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to enjoy the wedding night 😉 because our Onnie ran away. Last weekend we had the opportunity to visit Frankenmuth again and actually […]

One Year of Happiness

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As an instructional designer, part of my job is creating engaging learning activities.  This might sound like the easiest thing in the world, but it isn’t.  In fact, there are many steps before even beginning to create the learning activity. First, you have to think about why this is important.  How will this learning activity […]

Creating Learning Activities Using TPACK

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Recently, my book club decided on reading Nerve by Jeanne Ryan.  I was really excited to read it (especially because a movie recently came out with Dave Franco). Overall, the story was pretty good.  The beginning was a little slow, but the middle of the book was extremely engaging.  It was one of those books […]

Youngins and Social Media

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I have never been crafty.  I have always wanted to try to be crafty, but it always failed.  I tried making wreaths once and it epically failed.  I was so discouraged.  My mom has been in craft shows all my life.  We always have an amazing time and enjoy spending time together.  But, I never […]

Turning a Hobby into a Business

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