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It is time for that “new year, new me” movement.  My husband always makes fun of this time of year, because it is a bunch of people making goals that by February, they’ve probably abandoned.  I’ve found making goals throughout the year and making small attainable steps to reach those goals are much better comprehended […]

New Years 2019

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Oh my goodness does time fly.  I feel like I’m going to have to do weekly blog posts just to catch up with all the amazingness that has happened in the past 8 months.  Yes, that is right.  Bailee is 8 months old.  Um, what?! Since, I am so behind in posting anything about Bailee […]

Bailee’s First Halloween

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Before I was pregnant, I told myself “we don’t need the most expensive things for our baby.”  HA, well that went out the window when I became pregnant.  To help other moms, I decided to start a review of the baby items that we have bought and used with Bailee. The first review is on […]

Review – Mamaroo

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Domino (our dog) makes me laugh.  When she is frustrated and bored, she often sits on top of you or barks and whines until she gets attention.  She basically takes my feelings and vocalizes them (they do say your dogs take on your personalities). I have been beyond bored lately.  Like, I come home, sit […]

Bored Out of My Mind!

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I suppose I spoke too soon!  Last week, I wrote about how Hershey was a star at our weekly trainings.  That SAME day, Domino became a star as well! Let me back up a bit.  That Wednesday, I was having an off day.  I already didn’t feel like going out in public, but pushed myself […]

Domino: Another Star?

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I’m seriously so proud of my dogs!!  Recently, we decided to put our dogs in dog training through PetSmart.  As much as I love my dogs, Hershey struggles with self-confidence as a dog and Domino is just crazy! Our first class went ok.  I worked with Domino and my husband worked with Hershey. Domino kept […]

Hershey Bear: A STAR

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Well, winter has officially hit.  Over the course of what felt like 24 hours, we received 10.5 inches of snow! Most of the day yesterday was spent watching the news for the list of school closings.  Back when I was a teacher, I always felt like this watching the news: Now that I work at […]

Snowmageddon 2016

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Back in October, my mom and I went on the Southern Michigan’s Railroad Society‘s Fall Color Tour.  It was a great experience and lots of great memories! It was the first time either of us had ever been to Tecumseh.  From my house, the drive was about 60 minutes or so.  We were both shocked […]

A Day in Tecumseh

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