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It was Wednesday, September 13th.  I was 39 weeks and 4 days.  My last day of work was going to be that Friday.  My boss had bought me a Spa Package and I thought it was the perfect time to use it since my due date was fast approaching.  I took the day off and […]

Bailee’s Birth Story <3

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Ever since I announced I was pregnant, it is like people foam at the mouth around me.  They don’t understand the idea of “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all.”  OR they think that because I’m pregnant, that means they don’t have to have a filter around me.  Either […]

10 Things Never to Say to a Pregnant Lady

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Domino (our dog) makes me laugh.  When she is frustrated and bored, she often sits on top of you or barks and whines until she gets attention.  She basically takes my feelings and vocalizes them (they do say your dogs take on your personalities). I have been beyond bored lately.  Like, I come home, sit […]

Bored Out of My Mind!

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When I first became pregnant, I associated mom2mom with a fun sale.  Moms working together to lift one another up, haggle with prices, and support one another.  Moms asking for advice and helping one another get through the toughest job of motherhood. Instead, mom2mom now has a negative connotation in my world. Don’t get me […]


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The next few of my posts might be a little more personal.  We are going to dive deep into the innerworkings of my brain (oh man, be prepared!) I read memes on Facebook all the time about anxiety, stress, worrying, etc.  I see pictures that resonate with me, which means I’m not the only one […]

When our momma sang us to sleep but now we’re stressed out.

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I suppose I spoke too soon!  Last week, I wrote about how Hershey was a star at our weekly trainings.  That SAME day, Domino became a star as well! Let me back up a bit.  That Wednesday, I was having an off day.  I already didn’t feel like going out in public, but pushed myself […]

Domino: Another Star?

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I’m seriously so proud of my dogs!!  Recently, we decided to put our dogs in dog training through PetSmart.  As much as I love my dogs, Hershey struggles with self-confidence as a dog and Domino is just crazy! Our first class went ok.  I worked with Domino and my husband worked with Hershey. Domino kept […]

Hershey Bear: A STAR

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On Saturday, I was proud to be an American.  I was beyond excited to see people come together from different backgrounds to fight for a cause.  I was shocked by the amount of cities and countries that participated in a peaceful protest with no arrests.  A protest that showed that the American people are not divided, […]

I will fight…

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I’m a pretty private person.  Although, some people who follow me on Facebook probably don’t agree.  I don’t usually post anything negative and try to stay away from conflict.  In fact, I wasn’t even going to post about this, but it was such a traumatic event, I want to be able to document and cope […]

A Little Dirty Laundry

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Today is Hershey Bear’s 2nd birthday!  The best part of her birthday being on New Years Day is we are always off work.  Which means she gets extra cuddles and lots of attention for her birthday!  Plus, since we always stay up until Midnight for New Year’s Eve, we are able to sing her Happy […]

Hershey’s 2nd Birthday

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